Listening to Your Body’s Unique Bio-Signals to Reverse Insulin Resistance
Learn to listen to your body in a new way!
Your body is your biggest health advocate. It's constantly sending you messages, or bio-signals, that can give crucial insights into your wellness, particularly your insulin resistance.
What are Bio-Signals?
Bio-signals are physiological cues such as hunger, cravings, fatigue, or mood swings. They are your body's way of flagging possible insulin imbalances. The challenge? Deciphering these signals. It requires taking the time to understand the meaning of each of these signals, and when they occur, as they can provide important clues as to whether your insulin levels are out of balance. Once you understand the meaning of each of these signals, you will be able to identify any insulin imbalances quickly and effectively.
Learning the Secret Language of Your Body for Reversing Insulin Resistance
The secret language of your body might seem confusing at first, but with practice, you can learn to interpret these signals effectively and learn how to support your body in your quest to reverse insulin resistance.
Here are a few steps to get you started:
Begin with self-awareness. Tune into what your body is telling you. After you eat certain foods do you find yourself tired and sluggish? energized? swollen and bloated? hungrier?
Maintain a journal to record your feelings and the timing of these signals. Many signals are clear within 30 minutes or less of eating a particular food or engaging in a certain practice, but some take more time. I may notice swelling fairly quickly if eating something with hidden sugar (or maltitol) but with breads, I find that I am starving the next morning when I wake up even if I didn’t have any swelling.
Notice patterns. Do you crave sugar in the afternoon? Feel sluggish after a carbohydrate-rich meal? These might be your bio-signals hinting at an insulin imbalance.
Leveraging Bio-Signals for Reversing Insulin Resistance
Once you start understanding these signals, you can use this knowledge to your advantage. Here's how:
Modify your diet and lifestyle based on your bio-signals to manage your insulin levels better.
If certain foods trigger cravings or cause fatigue, consider limiting them in your diet. This can be different for everyone! Don’t assume that just because someone else who is insulin resistant can eat something that you can too!
You can also optimize your meal timings and portion sizes based on these signals, allowing proactive control over your insulin resistance. As you progress in your healing journey you may find that you truly understand what hunger is for the first time and there may be times that you genuinely aren’t hungry! Listen to your body.
Unlocking Your Personal Health Code to Reverse Insulin Resistance
Every body is unique, and understanding your bio-signals is like decoding your personal health code. It is an incredibly complex process, in which you must pay attention to the data your body gives you and find the connections between your body, your lifestyle, and your health. It requires patience and perseverance, but once you start to recognize the patterns and make connections, you can use this 'code' to reverse insulin resistance and reclaim your health. With enough time, dedication, and the right guidance you can discover the root causes of your health issues, develop a plan for improving your health, and find a new level of wellbeing.
To jumpstart your journey, I recommend using this 3-Day Food Journal, a tool I use with all my coaching clients and Insul-Ease Action Lab members. Simply tracking the food you are eating and then taking a few moments at the end of the day to really tune into your body and how you feel can get you started on the journey to understanding your body's unique biosignals.
Start tuning in. Your body has a lot to say!
Make sure to download your copy of the 3-Day Food Journal and use it!